Urban Fantasy

Download e-book for iPad: Zombies: A Compendium by Otto Penzler

By Otto Penzler

ISBN-10: 0307740897

ISBN-13: 9780307740892

Horrifying ghouls, decaying corpses, physique snatchers, grave robbers and flesh-eating monsters. during this grotesque anthology of the residing lifeless, most of these and extra will try and trap your eye and consume your brain.

From the macabre pens of the world's such a lot spine-tingling horror and delusion writers, the grisliest, goriest, ghastliest tales from the final centuries were plucked from the shadows by way of mythical editor Otto Penzler, to shape the main enormous quantity in zombie history.

Featuring a forged of world-class writers, together with H.P. Lovecraft, Stephen King, Clive Barker, Richard Matheson, Edgar Allan Poe, Joe R. Lansdale, Vivian Meik, Lisa Tuttle, W.B. Seabrook, Karen Haber, man De Maupassant, Richard Laymon, Thomas Burke, Anthony Boucher, John Knox, Theodore Sturgeon and Seabury Quinn, this could simply be the world's largest and bloodiest zombie anthology yet.

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Zombies: A Compendium by Otto Penzler

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