Contemporary Literary Fiction

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By Khushwant Singh

ISBN-10: 014342632X

ISBN-13: 9780143426325

ISBN-10: 8175300167

ISBN-13: 9788175300163

The misplaced Victory completely captures the cultural essence of 1942 and the urgency of this vibrant and relocating competition of a state approximately to throw off the yoke of international rule. basically, it's the tale of Buta Singh, a smart and wily respectable operating with the British, and of Sher Singh, his useless and bold son pushed to uprising opposed to the overseas grasp. it's also the tale of the ladies of the family—Champak, Sher’s appealing spouse, her wild passions bursting the bonds of century-old prohibitions, and Sabhrai, Sher’s mom, whose matriarchal power sustains the kinfolk in its time of trouble. What occurs to this kinfolk whilst a brutal and mindless homicide units father opposed to son, spouse opposed to husband, is advised opposed to the history of an India torn by way of non secular rigidity and fraternal strife.

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The Lost Victory by Khushwant Singh

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