Urban Fantasy

Download e-book for kindle: The Karen Wilson Chronicles by Jennifer Brozek

By Jennifer Brozek

ISBN-10: 1940444195

ISBN-13: 9781940444192

Karen Wilson is a 911 operator within the urban of Kendrick, who gets a really unusual telephone name and discovers that her urban isn't in any respect what it sounds as if to be. Pulled into Kendrick’s hidden, supernatural global, she unearths herself appointed because the mysterious grasp of the City’s seen consultant to—well, everyone—and then will get followed through a toddler gargoyle. Can issues get any stranger?

In Kendrick, they most likely can.

Join Karen and her allies as they try to guard not only themselves, however the whole urban and its denizens, from risks inside that threaten to devour them whole.

This omnibus comprises all 4 of the Karen Wilson Chronicles novels (Caller Unknown, kids of Anu, Keystones, Chimera Incarnate) in addition to bonus content material together with a by no means earlier than released brief tale, “The Fool’s Path.”

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The Karen Wilson Chronicles by Jennifer Brozek

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