Physical Theoretical Chemistry

J. J. Lagowski's The Chemistry of Nonaqueous Solvents VA: Principles and PDF

By J. J. Lagowski

ISBN-10: 0124338054

ISBN-13: 9780124338050

The Chemistry of Nonaqueous Solvents, quantity V-A: rules and uncomplicated Solvents presents the theoretical elements of nonaqueous resolution chemistry self reliant of solvent and knowledge on person solvent platforms. This quantity includes chapters on solvation and intricate formation in protic and aprotic solvents; solvent basicity; ion-selective electrodes in nonaqueous solvents; nonaqueous solvents in natural electroanalytical chemistry; and anhydrous hydrazine and water-hydrazine combos. Chemists, researchers, and scholars of chemistry and chemical engineering will locate the booklet a great reference material.

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The Chemistry of Nonaqueous Solvents VA: Principles and Applications by J. J. Lagowski

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