Urban Fantasy

The Brotherhood of the Wheel: A Novel - download pdf or read online

By R. S. Belcher

ISBN-10: 0765380285

ISBN-13: 9780765380289

ISBN-10: 0765380293

ISBN-13: 9780765380296

ISBN-10: 1536609757

ISBN-13: 9781536609752

R.S. Belcher, the acclaimed writer of The Six-Gun Tarot and The Shotgun Arcana launches a gritty new city delusion sequence in regards to the mysterious society of truckers recognized basically as, The Brotherhood of The Wheel.

In 1119 A.D., a gaggle of 9 crusaders turned often called the terrible Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon--a militant monastic order charged with preserving pilgrims and caravans touring at the roads to and from the Holy Land. In time, the Knights Templar may develop in energy and, eventually, be laid low. yet a small offshoot of the Templars undergo and feature back to the order's unique challenge: to safeguard the roads of the realm and protect those that commute on them.

Theirs is a mystery line of knights: truckers, bikers, taxi hacks, country soldiers, bus drivers, RV gypsies--any of the folk who stay and paintings at the asphalt arteries of the United States. They name themselves the Brotherhood of the Wheel.

Jimmy Aussapile is one such knight. he is using an enormous rig down South while a promise to a ghostly hitchhiker units him on a quest to determine the bad fact in the back of a string of youngsters long gone lacking all around the nation. the line leads him to Lovina Hewitt, a skeptical Louisiana kingdom Police investigator operating an analogous case and, finally, to a forgotten city that is not on any map--and to the key in the back of the eerie Black-Eyed childrens stated to prowl the highways.

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The Brotherhood of the Wheel: A Novel by R. S. Belcher

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