Physical Theoretical Chemistry

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By Alexander Fridman

ISBN-10: 0521847354

ISBN-13: 9780521847353

ISBN-10: 1107684935

ISBN-13: 9781107684935

delivering a primary advent to all facets of recent plasma chemistry, this booklet describes mechanisms and kinetics of chemical strategies in plasma, plasma facts, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and electrodynamics, in addition to all significant electrical discharges utilized in plasma chemistry. Fridman considers lots of the significant functions of plasma chemistry, from electronics to thermal coatings, from therapy of polymers to gas conversion and hydrogen construction and from plasma metallurgy to plasma medication. it truly is useful to engineers, scientists and scholars attracted to plasma physics, plasma chemistry, plasma engineering and combustion, in addition to chemical physics, lasers, power platforms and environmental keep an eye on. The booklet comprises an intensive database on plasma kinetics and thermodynamics and numerical formulation for sensible calculations with regards to particular plasma-chemical procedures and purposes. difficulties and idea questions are supplied, beneficial in classes concerning plasma, lasers, combustion, chemical kinetics, information and thermodynamics, and high-temperature and high-energy fluid mechanics.

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Plasma Chemistry by Alexander Fridman

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