
New PDF release: Canonical Gravity and Applications: Cosmology, Black Holes,

By Martin Bojowald

ISBN-10: 0521195756

ISBN-13: 9780521195751

Canonical equipment are a robust mathematical device in the box of gravitational study, either theoretical and experimental, and feature contributed to a couple of contemporary advancements in physics. supplying mathematical foundations in addition to actual purposes, this is often the 1st systematic clarification of canonical tools in gravity. The ebook discusses the mathematical and geometrical notions underlying canonical instruments, highlighting their functions in all elements of gravitational learn from complicated mathematical foundations to fashionable purposes in cosmology and black gap physics. the most canonical formulations, together with the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner (ADM) formalism and Ashtekar variables, are derived and mentioned. perfect for either graduate scholars and researchers, this e-book offers a hyperlink among usual introductions to basic relativity and complex expositions of black gap physics, theoretical cosmology or quantum gravity.

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Canonical Gravity and Applications: Cosmology, Black Holes, and Quantum Gravity by Martin Bojowald

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