Construction Technology

Get Build a Classic Timber-Framed House: Planning & PDF

By Jack A. Sobon

ISBN-10: 0882668412

ISBN-13: 9780882668413

ISBN-10: 0882668420

ISBN-13: 9780882668420

Build a vintage, enduring, and cheap domestic. With Jack A. Sobon’s cautious counsel, you could build your personal timber-framed residence within the conventional hall-and-parlor kind. From felling timber to slicing timbers, and body building to door choice, you’ll locate Sobon’s expert suggestion and hand-drawn illustrations important. no matter if you’re a first-time builder or a pro contractor trying to extend your repertoire, you’ll locate solutions to all of your timber-frame questions. Open front door and stroll into the house of your dreams.

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Build a Classic Timber-Framed House: Planning & Design/Traditional Materials/Affordable Methods by Jack A. Sobon

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