
Between Phonology and Phonetics: Polish Voicing (Studies in - download pdf or read online

By Eugeniusz Cyran

ISBN-10: 1614517142

ISBN-13: 9781614517146

For a long time, the voicing approach of Polish has been on the middle of a heated theoretical debate touching on laryngeal phonology because it contains a variety of phenomena that represent the middle of this debate, comparable to ultimate Obstruent Devoicing, Regressive Voice Assimilation, and revolutionary Voice Assimilation. As study into laryngeal phonology progresses on quite a few fronts, it turns into extra noticeable that a huge component of the phenomena in query have phonetic or implementational conditioning, therefore restricting the function of phonology even extra. The version provided here's one during which phonology, phonetic interpretation, and phonetics locate their respective houses. ironically, by means of isolating those 3 degrees of description, we want to combine the disparate threads of recent examine of sound styles into one sound system.

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Between Phonology and Phonetics: Polish Voicing (Studies in Generative Grammar [SGG]) by Eugeniusz Cyran

by Michael

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