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Download PDF by Laura Dolp: Arvo Pärt's White Light: Media, Culture, Politics

By Laura Dolp

ISBN-10: 1107182891

ISBN-13: 9781107182899

probably the most often played modern composers, Arvo Pärt has develop into a phenomenon whose strange achieve is felt way past the live performance corridor. This ground-breaking choice of essays investigates either the reasons and the results of this good fortune. past the rhetoric of 'holy minimalism' that has observed the composer's reception because the mid-1980s, every one bankruptcy takes a clean procedure towards realizing how Pärt's track has occupied social landscapes. the result's a dynamic dialog between filmgoers (who discover problems with empathy and resemblance), concertgoers (commerce and art), listeners (embodiment, therapeutic and the position of technology), activists (legacies of resistance) and performers (performance practice). jointly, those reviews provide a daring and considerate engagement with Pärt as a massive cultural determine and think of the unheard of influence of his music.

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Arvo Pärt's White Light: Media, Culture, Politics by Laura Dolp

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