Aging Parents

Download e-book for kindle: The Age of Supported Independence: Voices of In-home Care by Beatrice Hale,Patrick Barrett,Robin Gauld

By Beatrice Hale,Patrick Barrett,Robin Gauld

ISBN-10: 904818813X

ISBN-13: 9789048188130

ISBN-10: 9400791348

ISBN-13: 9789400791343

This ebook investigates the stories of older those who stay at domestic with care. It examines the transition issues for the real lifestyles alterations confronted by means of kinfolk who tackle a better care-giving role.

The ebook attracts on demographic analyses and qualitative fieldwork to discover the shift from independence to expanding dependence, and means that this transition constitutes flow right into a new level of existence, that of an Age of Supported Independence. Applying the anthropological idea of rites of passage of their research, the authors specialise in the alterations in daily residing in the spatial atmosphere of the house, the temporal association of lifestyle, and the reshaping of relationships. They recommend that many older humans – in addition to the kinfolk who turn into carers – stay in a country of ‘liminality’: not able to make experience in their new state of affairs and adventure and, regardless of assumptions that ageing-in-place sustains social connectedness, excluded from their communities.

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The Age of Supported Independence: Voices of In-home Care by Beatrice Hale,Patrick Barrett,Robin Gauld

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