Urban Fantasy

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By Clifford Overdorf

ISBN-10: 154137195X

ISBN-13: 9781541371958

Self-discovery is the hunt that takes a life-time. the adventure twists and turns during the on a daily basis, our earlier, our desires and our destiny. for people that include the journey, should also settle for the implications and dwell its burdens or treasures of newfound wisdom. Our current is simply a sum of occasions that others have lived; love, hate, battle, peace, envy, loss of life, robbery, and homicide are all parts that look ahead to those who search for their identification.
Join sunrise on her quest to resolve against the law that has plagued her brain for 15-years. Like a fly that flirts to shut to the spider’s net after which is ate up by way of it, her flight is impacted through the occasions lived through others sooner than she used to be born.
If your recipe for analyzing includes self-discovery, homicide, cult rituals, and espionage with a splash of alien abduction? The Chronicles of Spanish Fly is the ebook for you. this isn't the garden-variety script that holds your hand as you lite from one impactful element to a different. The reader is challenged to recollect very important evidence and situations to assimilate the main points which have been the crux of Dawn’s life.
Laced with evidence and fictions of latest Mexico (USA), the writer has used GPS symptoms through the tale to permit the reader the extra price of taking the mind's eye it fact. Use the indications to stick with the characters, examine new cultures, and revel in the ride

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Chronicles of the Spanish Fly by Clifford Overdorf

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