By Henri Bergson
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By Henri Bergson
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By Scott Dodelson
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Modern Cosmology starts with an creation to the graceful, homogeneous universe defined through a Friedman-Robertson-Walker metric, together with cautious remedies of darkish strength, monstrous bang nucleosynthesis, recombination, and darkish subject. From this place to begin, the reader is brought to perturbations approximately an FRW universe: their evolution with the Einstein-Boltzmann equations, their new release by way of primordial inflation, and their observational outcomes. those effects contain the anisotropy spectrum of the cosmic microwave heritage (CMB) that includes acoustic peaks and polarization, the problem strength spectrum with baryonic wiggles, and their detection through photometric galaxy surveys, redshift distortions, cluster abundances, and susceptible lensing. The ebook concludes with a protracted bankruptcy on info analysis.
Modern Cosmology is the 1st publication to give an explanation for intimately the constitution of the acoustic peaks within the CMB, the E/B decomposition in polarization that can enable for detection of primordial gravity waves, and the fashionable research concepts used on more and more huge cosmological info units. Readers will achieve the instruments had to paintings in cosmology and learn the way smooth observations are swiftly revolutionizing our photo of the universe.
By Robert Lanza,Bob Berman
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By Rudolf Dvorak,Sylvio Ferraz-Mello
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By Bryan Gaensler,Achim Traut
ISBN-10: 3662433915
ISBN-13: 9783662433911
Größer, schneller, heißer – das Buch der kosmischen Rekorde
Im Universum herrschen severe Verhältnisse. Im Weltraum sinkt die Temperatur auf 270 Minusgrade. Sterne verglühen als Supernovae, die milliardenfach heller sind als unsere Sonne. Ein Schwarzes Loch kann eine elektrische Spannung von 10 Trillionen Volt erzeugen. Und es gibt Sterne mit zwei Milliarden Kilometern Durchmesser, in denen die Umlaufbahn des Jupiter Platz hätte.
Kosmos xxxtrem! bietet einen atemberaubenden neuen Blick auf das Universum und seine Erscheinungen. Bryan Gaensler richtet unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf die severe: auf die größten, schnellsten, heißesten, schwersten, hellsten, ältesten, dichtesten und sogar lautesten Objekte oder Prozesse des Kosmos. Das ungewöhnliche Astro-Buch präsentiert nicht nur verblüffende Fakten, sondern offenbart auch den bemerkenswerten Facettenreichtum des Universums und die severe Physik, die dahinter steht.
Dieser Parforceritt in die wildesten und spannendsten Winkel unserer physikalischen Welt begeistert von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite und erzeugt immer wieder ein überwältigendes Gefühl des Staunens. Professor Volker Springel, Heidelberg
Fesselnder als ein Spionagekrimi, wohltuender als eine Gutenachtgeschichte und eine angemessene Erinnerung daran, wie unfassbar glücklich wir uns schätzen dürfen, auf diesem so ausgeglichenen kleinen Felsklumpen inmitten eines extremen Kosmos zu leben. Professor Luciano Rezzolla, Frankfurt und Potsdam
Diese Begeisterung für die Physik des Kosmos, die Bryan Gaensler zu einem der weltweit führenden Forscher gemacht hat, springt unweigerlich auch auf die Leser seines Buches über. Professor Ralf-Jürgen Dettmar, Bochum
Ein ebenso unterhaltsames wie lehrreiches Buch, das Amateure und Profis gleichermaßen faszinieren wird. Professor Michael Kramer, Bonn
By Deepak Chopra,Roger Penrose,Brandon Carter,Henry P. Stapp,Stuart Hameroff,York H. Dobyns,Menas Kafatos,Michael B. Mensky,Gordon Globus,Subhash Kak
ISBN-10: 1938024451
ISBN-13: 9781938024450
II: Neuroscience, Cosmology and the Evolution of cognizance of the Universe
9. Paleolithic Cosmic awareness of the Cosmos
10. The mind and realization: Dynamics and Evolution
11. Quantum Physics and the Multiplicity of brain: Split-Brains, Fragmente Minds, Dissociation, Quantum Consciousness
12. Many Mansions: specified Relativity, Higher-Dimensional area, Neuroscience, awareness and Time
13. mind, attention, and unfastened Will
14. awareness within the Universe: Neuroscience, Quantum Space-Time Geometry and Orch OR Theory
III. cognizance, Quantum Physics, Relativity, Retrocausation, Precognition, a number of Dimensions, Entanglement, and Time
15. the speculation of MindTime
16. realization Vectors
17. The Time desktop of awareness. previous current destiny Exist concurrently. Entanglement, Tachyons, Relative Time, Circle of Time, Quantum Time, Dream Time, PreCognition, Retrocausation, Deja Vu, and Premonitions
18. The Observer’s Now, prior and destiny in Physics from a Psycho-Biological Perspective
19. Synchronicity, Entanglement, Quantum details and the Psyche
20. recognition, the mystical and better Dimensions
IV. Uncertainty precept, Parallel Universes, Wave services, Entanglement, Violations of Causality, and Paradoxes of Time Travel
21. Multiverse situations in Cosmology: category, reason, problem, Controversy, and Criticism
22. Classical Anthropic Everett version: Indeterminacy in a Preordained Multiverse
23. Cosmology, The Uncertainty precept, Wave functionality, likelihood, Entanglement, and a number of Worlds
24. good judgment of Quantum Mechanics, Parallel Worlds and Phenomenon of Consciousness
V: THE impact OF recognition looking at THE UNIVERSE
25. attention and Quantum Physics: A Deconstruction of the subject
26. recognition and Quantum Measurement
27. A Quantum actual impact of Consciousness
28. The wakeful Observer within the Quantum Experiment
29. Does Quantum Mechanics Require A awake Observer?
30. Quantum Physics, complicated Waves and Consciousness
By Oddbjorn Engvold,John W. Harvey,C.J. Schrijver,Neal E. Hurlburt
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By Dr. Michel
By AMOROSO RICHARD ET AL,Richard L Amoroso,Louis H Kauffman,Peter Rowlands
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ISBN-13: 9789814504775
A actually Galilean-class quantity, this ebook introduces a brand new approach in thought formation, finishing the instruments of epistemology. It covers a wide spectrum of theoretical and mathematical physics by way of researchers from over 20 countries from 4 continents. Like Vigier himself, the Vigier symposia are famous for addressing avant-garde, state-of-the-art subject matters in modern physics. one of the six complaints honoring J.-P. Vigier, this can be might be the main fascinating one as numerous very important breakthroughs are brought for the 1st time. the main fascinating leap forward in view of the hot NIST experimental violations of QED is a continuation of the pioneering paintings through Vigier on tight sure states in hydrogen. the recent experimental protocol defined not just offers empirical facts of large-scale additional dimensions along with avenues for checking out string conception, but in addition implies the start of the sphere of unified box mechanics, ushering in a brand new age of discovery. paintings on quantum computing redefines the qubit in a way that the uncertainty precept should be mostly violated. different breakthroughs take place within the software of quaternion algebra in extending our realizing of the character of the fermionic singularity or aspect particle. There are numerous different discoveries of equivalent value, making this quantity essential acquisition for the library of any critical forward-looking researchers.