Nonfiction Graphic Novels

Download e-book for iPad: Battle of the Bulge: A Graphic History of Allied Victory in by Wayne Vansant

By Wayne Vansant

ISBN-10: 0760346224

ISBN-13: 9780760346228

ISBN-10: 1939581753

ISBN-13: 9781939581754

Fought within the wintry weather of 1944–1945, the coldest in over a hundred years, the conflict of the Bulge nonetheless ranks because the unmarried biggest conflict ever fought via the USA military. Thirty-one American divisions—fully one-third of the U.S. military raised in the course of international battle II—saw motion during this conflict. however it was once additionally a try out: might this conscript military from a pacifistic democracy defeat the simplest final males and machines that Germany’s totalitarian govt may well produce?


In Battle of the Bulge, writer and artist Wayne Vansant brings readers into the frozen foxholes, haunting forests, and devastated villages of the Ardennes in the course of that freezing chilly wintry weather. With meticulous historic accuracy and hand-drawn visuals which can inform a narrative in methods phrases on my own can't, Vansant recounts the Bulge with insightful aspect, replaying the thrusts and volleys of either the mixed Allied and German forces throughout the tumultuous conflict. it is a tale of panic, worry, and actual distress; a narrative of the way a iteration of draftees, nationwide Guardsmen, and a small center of normal officials and NCOs confronted these 3 parts as snow piled round their foxholes and the incessant drumming of artillery splintered the woods that gave them take care of. it's the tale of fellows, frozen and hurting, faraway from domestic and keeping little wish of seeing it back till the killing ultimately ended. yet principally, Battle of the Bulge is a narrative of really good triumph, now superbly illustrated in photograph novel structure for the 1st time.

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Battle of the Bulge: A Graphic History of Allied Victory in the Ardennes, 1944-1945 (Zenith Graphic Histories) by Wayne Vansant

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