Aging Parents

Download e-book for iPad: Active Ageing and Physical Activity: Guidelines, Functional by Gonçalo Nuno Figueiredo Dias,Micael Santos Couceiro

By Gonçalo Nuno Figueiredo Dias,Micael Santos Couceiro

ISBN-10: 3319520628

ISBN-13: 9783319520629

This ebook offers an research of energetic getting old and actual job from a multidisciplinary viewpoint. With descriptions of workouts, appropriately illustrated with photos, this booklet exhibits that usual actual task reduces the superiority of persistent illnesses linked to getting older, in addition to the danger of morbidity and mortality of the aged. It confirms that workout courses reduce the psychomotor decline, hinder the lack of performance, lack of ability and dementia, and foster major profits in future health and health and wellbeing, resulting in elevated caliber of lifetime of the elderly.

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Active Ageing and Physical Activity: Guidelines, Functional Exercises and Recommendations (SpringerBriefs in Well-Being and Quality of Life Research) by Gonçalo Nuno Figueiredo Dias,Micael Santos Couceiro

by Ronald

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