Aging Parents

A Book of Light: When a Loved One Has a Different Mind - download pdf or read online

By Jerry Pinto

ISBN-10: 938605017X

ISBN-13: 9789386050175

ISBN-10: 938605020X

ISBN-13: 9789386050205

In 2012, Jerry Pinto released his debut novel, Em and the massive Hoom, which drew upon his adventure of residing with a mom who was once bipolar. It touched millions of readers, between them many that had related experiences—of dwelling with anyone with a psychological affliction or illness. a few of these readers shared their tales with him, and agreed to proportion them with the area. A ebook of sunshine collects those harrowing but relocating, even empowering, stories—about the fear and majesty of affection; the bleakness and unforeseen grace of existence; the fragility and tremendous energy of the human mind. 

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A Book of Light: When a Loved One Has a Different Mind by Jerry Pinto

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